(In the Calendar you can see the availabilty)- - for booking dates please look below. Calendar is loading...Powered by Booking Calendar - Available - Booked - Pending · - Partially booked Bitte aktiviere JavaScript in deinem Browser, um dieses Formular fertigzustellen.Bitte aktiviere JavaScript in deinem Browser, um dieses Formular fertigzustellen.Name *First nameSecond nameE-Mail *Telephone *Four day Kayak Course *Do,26 – So,29 Juni.Do,24 – So,27 Juli.Do,07 – So,10 August.Mo,11 – Do,14 August.I wish to book a date which is not availableMehr Kurstermine bald verfügbar. Amount of adults (With equipment rent)0123456Amount of adults (Without equipment rent)0123456Amount of Juniors under 16 (With equipment rent)0123456Amount of Juniors under 16 (Without equipment rent)0123456Extra infoAmount CHFCHF0.00All prices are in Swiss FrancsAgreement of terms and conditions *YesConfirm Booking